Checklist Status After Converting Idea To Project
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Checklist Status After Converting Idea To Project


Article ID: 257324


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When converting Ideas to Project, the associated Checklists copy over however the actual status does not. 

Checklists that are marked as 'Complete' show up as not completed in the converted project. 

Steps To Reproduce
1. Create an Idea with Checklists
2.  Mark some items in a checklist as completed.
3. Submit and Approve the Idea.
4. Convert the Idea to  a Project.

Actual Results: The completed checklists copy over, however the status does not reflect as completed.
Expected Results: The completed checklist that copied over, should copy exactly.



Release : 16.0.2


As per documentation, the following actions are taken when a checklist is copied,
which would be the same copy action as when an idea is converted to a project.