Calendar displays "not recalculated"
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Calendar displays "not recalculated"


Article ID: 255934


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


What causes Calendars to have the status "not recalculated" and how can it be solved?


Release : 21.0.4


Calendars can be interdependent and it may be necessary to align the validities and subsequently force a recalculation to make sure the errors disappear.


The following query can be used to find all Keywords with errors:

select OKB_ErrMsgNr, OKB_ErrMsgInsert, OH_Client, okb.* from okb,oh where OH_Idnr=OKB_OH_Idnr and OH_deleteflag=0 order by 1 desc, 2 asc

The first column gives the error as can be found in uc.msl and the second the values of the respective variables (&01,&02,&03 etc.)


So when you find error 21163, this corresponds to the following in uc.msl:

00021163EIThe Calendar has not yet been (re)calculated !


This is usually a consequence of error 62031 which shows the following in uc.msl:

00062031EEUCUCC: Calendar '&01', keyword '&02', client '&03' - validity period ('&04' - '&05') > validity period ('&06' - '&07') of the calendar '&08', keyword '&09', client '&10'.

OKB_ErrMsgInsert shows for instance: 



Combined this gives the following error:

Calendar 'MY_CALENDAR', keyword 'MY_KEYWORD', client '1' - validity period ('2021-1-1' - '2028-12-31') > validity period ('2019-2-19' - '2020-12-31') of the calendar 'MY_CALENDAR', keyword 'OTHER_KEYWORD', client '1'.

So in this case the validity period of OTHER_KEYWORD needs to be aligned to keyword MY_KEYWORD.

After saving the modification the Calendars are recalculated and the error 'not calculated' should disappear.

Possibly, multiple keyword have to be checked and fixed before all error disappear.