Adjust the session timeout for the SMP Console
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Adjust the session timeout for the SMP Console


Article ID: 253666


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IT Management Suite


Is it possible to set a timeout for the SMP Console?  For example, a user is automatically logged off if inactive for more than 30 min.  If so, how can I do that?


ITMS 8.x


Starting with ITMS 8.6 RU3 release, there is a way to do this.

Quick overview:

  1. On the SMP Console, go to Settings>Notification Server>Internals>Web Sessions>Configure Sessions.
  2. Under "Configure Sessions" page, you can enable this functionality and set required settings
  3. On On the SMP Console, go to Settings>Notification Server>Internals>Web Sessions>View Sessions page, it will be shown all recorded activities.

  1. Symantec Administrator is able to force "Log off" or "Reset" for existing current sessions.
  2. User will see this message in browser when session is expired == auto logged off
    "Current user session is logged off, please re-login."

  3. If user is not allowed to access SMP Console, then this message will be shown in browser
    "Current user session is limited, please re-login."

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