How to use a nas preprocessing rule to prevent updates to the transactionlog.db and nas_transaction_log.
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How to use a nas preprocessing rule to prevent updates to the transactionlog.db and nas_transaction_log.


Article ID: 250612


Updated On: 10-17-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The transactionlog.db is 1.1GB and the NAS_TRANSACTION_LOG table is currently over 12M rows due to the number of alarms and the frequency of alarms.


Release : 20.4

Component : UIM - ALARM_ENRICHMENT, any version.

  • UIM 20.4 on Windows with Hub/Robot 9.35
  • nas/ae 9.34Hf1
  • ems 10.29
  • discovery_server 20.41
  • data_engine with Partitioning Enabled
  • UIM Database - Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • Approx 6500 alarms updates generated every hour
  • Alarm Enrichment done on most if not all incoming alarms
  • NAS local .db files: database.db is 41MB.
  • transactionlog.db is 1.1GB.


A nas preprocessing rule with Filter tye of 'transaction' can be very useful for preventing frequent alarms from being written to and bloating the logs and/or significantly increasing the size of the transactionlog.db and/or the nas_transaction_log table, for example, to prevent Robot Inactive alarms from being written to the transaction logs.
Any alarms matching your preprocessing filter, e.g., message filter, would not be written to the transaction log.

Example below using an AND operator in the regex-> /(.*Robot.*)(.*inactive.*)/
Alarms matching the criteria for this filter are not added to the transaction logs. This is useful if the transaction logs are filled up with messages such as heartbeat.