To activate Web Isolation on a Cloud SWG (WSS) UPE tenant, your deployment must meet the following requirements:
Review the resolution that is appropriate for your deployment.
To activate Web Isolation, use the equivalent isolate()
action in a CPL Layer in the Web VPM. The following example defines an isolation rule for requests that match the specified conditions:
; match criteria for the requests to isolate
define condition isolate_conditions
; send the matching requests to the isolation service
<Proxy "isolate rule">
condition=isolate_conditions isolate(yes)
Existing Deployments
Previously, CPL was required on UPE tenants to activate Web Isolation. The CPL format consists of define conditions
within an #if enforcement=wss
rule. If your existing deployment includes this CPL, you can continue to use the policy without modifications. Optionally, you can remove the High_Risk_Isolation_CondWebIsolationExemptCriteriaForwarding
condition to simplify your policy; removing this condition has no impact on the Web Isolation functionality.
Note: To bypass specific domains from Full Isolation, modify the CPL format as described in KB 263359.
For the simplest Web Isolation policy, switch to the policy that is described in New Deployments (SGOS 7.x is required).
Requests that meet the following requirements are sent to the HRI service: