Gen 8.6 CSU-DLL-ERROR: (Sys-126) Attach to tcpcfn.dll failed
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Gen 8.6 CSU-DLL-ERROR: (Sys-126) Attach to tcpcfn.dll failed


Article ID: 246048


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen - Workstation Toolset


Gen partner delivered their Gen 8.6 application and runtimes to customer who encountered error:

TIRM030E: Application failed - Updates have been backed out
CSU-DLL-ERROR: (Sys-126) Attach to tcpcfn.dll failed in function CSUWin32Library::attach.


Release: 8.6

Component: Gen Runtime Distributed


PTF maintenance level


After installing PTFs RTN86217/LU03130  and RTN86220/LU04696, the problem was resolved.

The Gen partner also experienced the same error. They found that the problem was due to the fact that the tcpcfn.dll file from RTN86220/LU04696 had been installed but the PTF itself had not been fully installed and the required new dlls  libcrypto-1_1.dll and libssl-1_1.dll from the PTF were missing.

Additional Information

NOTE: Recent Gen 8.6.3 Consolidation PTF WKS86300/LU06327 replaces both the above PTFs