If you subscribe to Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) and/or Web Protection (WP) and/or Network Protection (NP) offerings, and you already own Symantec virtual appliances with standalone SKUs, these virtual appliances might stop working if their own subscriptions have expired.
This issue can impact the following products:
Examples of virtual appliance SKUs that are affected by this issue (but are not limited to):
PLA, WP, and NP subscriptions will generate new enterprise serial numbers. In the Support portal, use these new serial numbers as if they are add-ons. Link the new PLA or WP or NP serial numbers to the corresponding existing serial number for that product. For example, you can link the WP “WEB-PROTECT-SUB” or NP “NETWORK-PROTECT-SUB” subscription to a VSWG-V100-U100-1Y. Once the serial number is linked, the existing product’s license will be extended to match the PLA or WP or NP expiration date. Then update the license on the virtual appliance.
To link new serial numbers to existing serial numbers:
The expiration date of the existing serial number will not change in the support portal, but it will change in the license key file when that is regenerated and displayed on the appliance interface.
Note: The expiration date displayed in the license key does not change contractual EOL/EOS & RMA policies.
If you cannot see the new serial numbers in the Software Add-ons tab, please contact Broadcom Customer Care.
Linking WPS or NPS as an add-on to old generation serial numbers simply extend the entitlement date of said old serial number expiration. This is to circumvent of a need to redeploy the VM for the purpose of extending the validity date.
Linking WPS or NPS as an add-on to old generation serial numbers DOES NOT increase the license limit capacity of old generation serial numbers.
- MC-V10-10-1Y old generation SKU are meant to manage up to 10 devices. This SKU serial number is limited to be deployed to one VM, otherwise VM would display a duplicate serial number warning.
- WPS' MC-V10-250-1Y SKU are meant to manage up to 250 manage devices. This SKU serial number is limited to be deployed to one VM, otherwise VM would display a duplicate serial number warning.
- NPS' ISG-MC-SUB is unlimited manage devices and can be deployed to more than one VM. No duplicate serial number warning is expected..
If MC-V10-10-1Y entitlement date is about to expire and you do not want to redeploy another VM instance with new WPS or NPS serial number, attaching the WPS or NPS serial number as an add-on MC-V10-10-1Y would extend MC-V10-10-1Y entitlement date. However, your current VM is still limited to manage upto 10 devices only.