We stood up a VNA server recently and want to add it to NetOps Portal, however the "New" button is grayed out on the Administration > Monitored Items Management > VNA page. The environment is a low scale environment
Dx NetOps Performance Management any version
Not supported in a low scale environment
See the following documentation:
... under the Limitations section
"Integration with DX NetOps Mediation Manager or DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance"
So this is a limitation of the low scale environment. The reason we block this in a low scale environment is because this would very likely generate more than 150k polled items which is a limitation in a low scale environment. The DC would need resources to process VNA data, which if the box is supporting DA and DC - that means it has to share resources
Setting up what amounts to a "normal" environment, with each piece (DC, DC, DR, PC) on its own box would remove such limitations, and everything should work after that.