Setting up TPX in a SYSPLEX as a Generic Resource
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Setting up TPX in a SYSPLEX as a Generic Resource


Article ID: 24262


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TPX - Session Management


This document assumes that TPX has been set up and is running.
Following are the steps required specific to setting up multiple TPX started tasks defined as a generic resource.

Applications such as CICS or TSO can be defined within VTAM as a generic resource - multiple regions or instances grouped together under a common generic resource name.  
TPX can also be defined as a generic resource in VTAM to group multiple TPX started tasks.


TPX® Session Management for z/OS


With TPX defined as a generic resource, each TPX will:

  • Access the same VSAM Databases (ADMIN1, ADMIN2, MAIL, NOTES, VIEW)
  • Use the same executable load library (LOADLIB) so by default all TPX started tasks will be at the same release and maintenance level
  • Use separate TPX VTAM nodes (DO NOT specify ACBNAME in the VTAM major node APPL definition.)
  • Have individual VTAM APPL and an exclusive set of VTs (virtual terminals)
  • Specify the same Generic Resource parameters

NOTE: If there are  multiple standalone TPX tasks currently, each with their own set of VSAM files, determine the best way to merge the files using VSAM utilities outside of TPX.


  1. Each TPX must have an exclusive VTAM APPL and exclusive virtual terminals (ACBs not defined to any other TPX).
  2. Specify YES on the SRBEXIT parameter of each APPL statement in the major node.
  3. Vary the major node inactive, and then vary it active.

Using the Authorized Path Facility

The APF facility is required for VTAM generic resource support.
Specify Y in the VTAM Authorized Path Facility field of the SMRT Performance Parameters panel.
For information about changing the performance parameters, see Modify Parameters in an SMRT.

Defining the Coupling Facility Structure

When using TPX to operate as a VTAM generic resource, the Coupling Facility structure must be defined.
    Note: To use this feature, TPX must run from an APF-authorized library, as mentioned above.

To define the Coupling Facility structure:

  1. Open member CFSTRUCT in the INSTALL data set.
  2. Define the name of the Coupling Facility structure and its size. Note the structure name consists of two parts:
    • An eight-byte prefix, which cannot contain blanks.
      • Each generic resource name requires its own structure.
      • The generic name must be different than the application network name (VTAM applid of TPX).
      • For details on determining the structure storage requirements, see the TPX Systems Programming Guide.
        The generic resource name used for all instances of the product. More than one generic resource name may be needed.

  3. Update the Coupling Facility policy data set to reflect the definition of the structure.
  4. Update the SMRT Generic Resource Parameters.
    • prefix (as in step 2)
    • resource name (as in step 2)
    • member count - This is the maximum number of TPX started tasks (applids) that will connect to this generic resource at one time.

      For example...
      Coupling facility structure name: STRUCTURE NAME(TPXGR001TPXINT)

      Corresponding SMRT:
          Generic Resource Parameters
      Coupling structure name prefix: TPXGR001
      VTAM Generic Resource name: TPXINT
      Generic Resource member count: 04

Additional Information

TPX should not be defined with affinity and as a generic resource.  
These should be considered mutually exclusive.  
Turning on affinity when TPX is defined as a generic resource could cause a conflict between the TPX option and Workload Manager.
We recommend affinity be disabled in a GR setup.  (SMRT System Parameters - Affinity: N)

 Set Up TPX as a VTAM Generic Resource