Clicking on Add-ins System: PPM content addins generates Error 500 
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Clicking on Add-ins System: PPM content addins generates Error 500 


Article ID: 241886


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Clicking on Add-ins System: PPM content addins generates Error 500 post upgrade to 16.0.2 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Login to clarity with administration rights 
  2. Navigate to Administration--> Studio --> Content Add-Ins
  3. Search for System: PPM content and click on it

Expected Results:  User should be able to get to Add-ins property page 

Actual Results: User is getting Error 500 


Release : 16.0.2

Component : Clarity Studio




  • For On Premise and Rego AWS Customers
  • Prior to upgrade take a back of below tables
    • cmn_install_history, cmn_xog_install_history 
  • Before starting the upgrade run the below update command 
    • update cmn_install_history set install_id = 'zz_clarityContent_zz' where install_type ='package' and install_id ='clarityContent';
    • update cmn_install_history set install_id = 'zz_contentPack::clarityContent_zz' where install_type ='install' and install_id ='contentPack::clarityContent';
    • update cmn_xog_install_history set install_id = 'zz_contentPack::clarityContent_zz' where install_id ='contentPack::clarityContent';
  • Post upgrade to 16.0.2 run the below update queries 
    • update cmn_install_history set install_id = 'clarityContent' where install_type ='package' and install_id ='zz_clarityContent_zz';
    • update cmn_install_history set install_id = 'contentPack::clarityContent' where install_type ='install' and install_id ='zz_contentPack::clarityContent_zz';
    • update cmn_xog_install_history set install_id = 'contentPack::clarityContent' where install_id ='zz_contentPack::clarityContent_zz';
  • Now navigate to content addins and there shouldn't be any errors 


  • Targeted Fix in Release 16.0.3 
  • GCP SaaS customers fix has been applied with upgrades