Details fly-out on Tasks Timeline not refreshing
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Details fly-out on Tasks Timeline not refreshing


Article ID: 240994


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The Details Fly-out on the Tasks Timeline Details does not refresh correctly when moving from one to another. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Log in to the Clarity Modern UX
  2. Select a project with 2 or more tasks
  3. Click on the Tasks view
  4. Click on a task, open the details fly-out and modify the task name
  5. Click on the next task down or up in the timeline view

Expected Results: The detail fly-out refreshes to display the task name that has been clicked on. 

Actual Results: The details refreshes and displays the task name of the previously modified task. This only occurs if the user moves quickly from task to task hoping to make updates using Details. If you wait a longer time between updating the first task then the system appears to be able to catch up. 


Release : 16.0.1, 16.0.2 

Component : Clarity MUX UI Usability



Workaround: Slow down between entries and let the system catch up. 


Targeted Fix in Release 16.0.3 

Additional Information

Similar issue: Refresh issue with the details fly out in the To Do's workspace