Agent revocation after Deploying an image with agent included
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Agent revocation after Deploying an image with agent included


Article ID: 240039


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Deployment Solution


Customer is deploying a DS captured Sysprep image. The image has an agent installed. After deploy, the agent will not connect back to SMP and shows "agent revoked"


This can happen if an image is properly captured with "Prepare for image capture" then immediately deployed and recaptured again as a source image.

It is caused by DSUniqueID being present in the filesystem and registry. The DSUniqueID gets removed automatically one day after the deployment


Check the image and/or imaged system for two things:

Presence of c:\windows\AeXNSAgent.ini. If file is there it should be removed from the image and/or machine that the problematic image was deployed to
Presence of registry value "DSUniqueID" under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent. If value is there it should be removed from the image's registry and/or machine that the problematic image was deployed to

This should cause the agent to get a new GUID and no longer be "revoked" status.

Additional Information

206755 "DS for Windows: Client Side Changes in 8.5 RU4"

210118 "Client Machines are sending same UniqueID during Basic Inventory"