How to turn on VNA OC_ACQUISITION debug
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How to turn on VNA OC_ACQUISITION debug


Article ID: 239790


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CA Spectrum CA Virtual Network Assurance DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How do we enable poll logging debug for DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance (VNA) for data validation issues?

How to enable OC_ACQUISITION debug in VNA.


All DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance (VNA) releases 23.3.x\24.3.x


In DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance (VNA) releases 21.2.7 and newer the debug UI has been disabled for improved security.


Take the following steps to enable the VNA poll logging using OC_ACQUISITION debug.

NOTE: All paths shown are based on the default path. Change as needed.

  1. Enable the debug:

    1. Go to the (default path shown) /opt/CA/wildfly/bin directory.

    2. Run the command:

      • ./
      • Enter: connect

    3. Run the following command to set the debug level for the category.
      • /subsystem=logging/logger=OC_ACQUISITION:write-attribute(name=level,value=DEBUG)

        # cd /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/bin/
        # ./
        You are disconnected at the moment. Type 'connect' to connect to the server or 'help' for the list of supported commands.
        [disconnected /] connect
        [standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=logging/logger=OC_ACQUISITION:write-attribute(name=level,value=DEBUG)
        {"outcome" => "success"}

        [standalone@localhost:9990 /] quit

  2. After enabling OC_ ACQUISITION log level to DEBUG we'll get dumps of raw data received from polled SDN devices.

    • The logging is stored in the /opt/CA/VNA/collector/Engine_UUID/tmp/ directory.

  3. Wait for 2-3 poll cycles minimum, or longer as directed by Broadcom Support or Engineering, before gathering logging.

  4. Collect the following logging for Support:

    • The folders generated via the logging noted in Step 2 above.
    • All logs from the /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone directory.
    • All logs and folders under the /opt/CA/VNA/collector/Engine_UUID/tmp directory.

  5. When the logging is safely set aside disable the debug using these steps:

    1. Go to the (default path shown) /opt/CA/wildfly/bin directory.

    2. Run the command:

      • ./
      • Enter: connect

    3. Run the following command to set the debug level for the category.

      • /subsystem=logging/logger=OC_ACQUISITION:write-attribute(name=level,value=INFO)