What is the ADScan.exe process in SES | Scan Frequency
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What is the ADScan.exe process in SES | Scan Frequency


Article ID: 239023


Updated On: 09-30-2024


Endpoint Security Complete


What is the purpose of ADScan.exe process and how often does it run on the clients?


Release : 14.3 RU4


ADScan.exe process is a component of the App Discovery Feature from Hardening in 14.3 RU4.   Hardening is a behavioral engine used to reduce the attack surface on the endpoint.  The Hardening engine has App Control feature which controls what processes are allowed to run on the endpoint.

  • The ADScan process performs the scanning for applications and binary files on the endpoint.  
  • The ADScan process is launched by the Symantec Endpoint Foundation (SEF). AD engine for a scheduled scan, and to retrieve App Discovery data for an App Discovery retrieval command.
  • When launched for a scan, ADScan performs the scan, updates a local database, and generates full and delta app discovery result files.
  • The ADScan process receives the scan settings from the scanner.ini file which it receives on the command line.
  • The App Discovery retrieval request will also spawn an ADScan.exe.  


The Frequency of discovery of files and other items on your devices:

  • Full Disk Scan Non-System Drives Once a Month (The 20th day of the Month)
  • Full Disk Scan System Drive Once a Month (The 10th day of the Month)
  • Well Known Scan Once a Day (3AM Daily)


Well-known locations scan

  • Add/Remove Programs
  • Programs folder
  • Desktop and Start menu shortcuts
  • Microsoft registry locations


Full disk scan

  • Includes all of the well-known scan locations plus all local drives (system or non-system).
  • Runs on all your devices.

Additional Information

Does ADScan also run outsite of the named time windows because of missed scans? Or does ADscan ignore missed scans?
ADScan will run outside of its scheduled time if a scan is missed. This is the intended behavior.

Can two Adscann processes run at the same time?
Yes. The App Discovery retrieval request will also spawn an ADScan.exe. A scan can be running, while a data-retrieval request comes in. In that case, you'd see two ADScan processes running.