Non-default MySql users cause problems with 21.2.8 NetOps Upgrade
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Non-default MySql users cause problems with 21.2.8 NetOps Upgrade


Article ID: 235567


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


The upgrade to DX NetOps Performance Management version 21.2.8 comes with a MySql upgrade from version 5.7 to version 8.0.

The upgrade expects to ONLY see 2 root and 2 netqos named users present per a default installation.

If there are extra root or netqos named users present, they will prevent the upgrade from running.

The following are the only 2 root, and only 2 netqos users, that can be present during the upgrade run. If any other root or netqos named uses are present they must be removed prior to running the upgrade.

NOTE: Default path shown. Enter password when prompted when running this command on your system.

[root@PC_Portal ~]# /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p -e "select user,host from mysql.user where user in ('root','netqos');"
Enter password:
| user   | host      |
| netqos | %         |
| root   | %         |
| netqos | localhost |
| root   | localhost |
[root@PC_Portal ~]#


All DX NetOps Performance Management PC Portal releases upgrading to 21.2.8 and newer releases


Upgrade to 21.2.8 and MySql 8.0 requires only the 2 default root and 2 default netqos users present during upgrade run.


Take the following steps to remove the extra users.

Default paths shown. Enter passwords when prompted.

  1. Open a terminal to the PC Portal CLI.
  2. Open a MySql connection using:
    • /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p
  3. Run the following to list out all root and netqos named users.
      • select user,host from mysql.user where user in ('root','netqos');
    • Using the "user@host" context we should only see two root and two netqos users as follows:
      • root@localhost
      • root@%
      • netqos@localhost
      • netqos@%
    • Any other users seen don't belong and need to be deleted.
  4. To remove errant users we'd run:
    • drop user '<user>@<host>'

Sample output with three root user entries that require removal. The 'missing' host entry is blacked out. It has a hostname as a value.

We see we need to remove users:

To remove those users we'd run the following query commands.

  • drop user 'root'@'hostname';
  • drop user 'root'@'';
  • drop user 'root'@'::1';