The upgrade to DX NetOps Performance Management version 21.2.8 comes with a MySql upgrade from version 5.7 to version 8.0.
The upgrade expects to ONLY see 2 root and 2 netqos named users present per a default installation.
If there are extra root or netqos named users present, they will prevent the upgrade from running.
The following are the only 2 root, and only 2 netqos users, that can be present during the upgrade run. If any other root or netqos named uses are present they must be removed prior to running the upgrade.
NOTE: Default path shown. Enter password when prompted when running this command on your system.
[root@PC_Portal ~]# /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p -e "select user,host from mysql.user where user in ('root','netqos');"
Enter password:
| user | host |
| netqos | % |
| root | % |
| netqos | localhost |
| root | localhost |
[root@PC_Portal ~]#
All DX NetOps Performance Management PC Portal releases upgrading to 21.2.8 and newer releases
Upgrade to 21.2.8 and MySql 8.0 requires only the 2 default root and 2 default netqos users present during upgrade run.
Take the following steps to remove the extra users.
Default paths shown. Enter passwords when prompted.
Sample output with three root user entries that require removal. The 'missing' host entry is blacked out. It has a hostname as a value.
We see we need to remove users:
To remove those users we'd run the following query commands.