JWP starts, but JCP will not start. The CP log files hows:
20220211/203230.566 - 26 U00003487 ListenSocket with port number '' could not be created.
20220211/203230.566 - 26 U00045014 Exception 'java.net.BindException: "Address already in use: bind"' at 'sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0()'.
20220211/203230.566 - 26 U00003487 ListenSocket with port number '' could not be created.
20220211/203230.566 - 26 U00045014 Exception 'java.net.BindException: "Address already in use: bind"' at 'sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0()'.
20220211/203230.566 - 26 U00045058 Failed to get a free port for this 'JCP'. Check the [PORTS] section of the configuration file.
20220211/203230.581 - 26 U00045102 Error: All defined ports in the configuration file are already in use.
Release : 12.2
Component :
The ucsrv.ini file had:
we uncommented the line:
JCP started after this