How do I add or remove a secondary domain in CloudSOC (CASB)?
Previously, you would create a support ticket to add or remove a secondary domain in CloudSOC.
You can now use the Cloud Management Portal (CMP) for CASB domain management.
Please refer to the customer welcome email or the CMP Help Center to get started with CMP.
Steps to add a secondary domain from CMP:
1. Login to CMP
Home | Cloud Service configuration | Select Environments tab | Expand the Environment | Click on Cloud Service Configurations.
2. Click on the "Environments" Tab
3. Select CASB Subscription, often newer subscriptions will be named CASB Securlet SaaS
(NOTE: You cannot add Secondary Domains through the CDS for CASB item)
4. Click on "Edit" on far right to open up a window with the configuration options.
There you should have ability to add or delete secondary domains one at a time
The Primary Domain cannot be changed as mentioned in CMP Help Center
Secondary domains are added for the following reasons:
Please seek assistance from CASB Support, Account SE, or Consulting with any questions.
For reference - CloudSOC domain list is shown in CloudSOC Settings | General | Domain
See CMP documentation for more detail. Technote