What is the recommended method to remove the APMSqlServer from version 10.7.192 Enterprise Managers so we can discontinue using it?
Log4J was detected at:
/opt/CA/APM/EM/APMSqlServer/repo/com.ca.apm.server.teiid- Installed version : 1.2.17"
Release : 10.7.0
Component :
For the removal of the APMSqlServer, do the following:
.Q. What is the recommended method to remove the APMSqlServer from version 10.7.192 Enterprise Managers so we can discontinue using it?
A. APMSQL does not have a specific installer or uninstaller which it really should have. Looking at the 10.7 documentation, seeing this.
Installing Enterprise Manager installs the APMSQL by default at the \\<EM_HOME>\APMSQLServer folder. The configuration file APMSQLServer.Properties is located in the \\config folder
So remove the files in the above locations.
Then go to the specific connection section to undo the install steps
If there is a startup service and registry settings in Windows/environment settings in Unix account profile would remove that.