Symantec Identity Manager - CVE-2021-44832 - Is Identity Manager exposed to the JDBCAppender Vulnerability?
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Symantec Identity Manager - CVE-2021-44832 - Is Identity Manager exposed to the JDBCAppender Vulnerability?


Article ID: 231999


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Manager


Recent vulnerability scans are showing Log4j v1.2x is vulnerable against CVE-2021-44832. Is Identity Manager exposed to the JDBCAppender Vulnerability? 


Release : 14.X

Component : Symantec Identity Manager


Sustaining Engineering has reviewed this vulnerability and determined that Identity Manager is not vulnerable to CVE-2021-44832. The JDBCAppender is not configured in any OOTB log4j configuration files. The Log4j configuration file is not accessible to remote hackers.

Additional Information

If you had declared JDBCAppender in the Log4j configuration, please comment out or remove JDBCAppender in the Log4j configuration.