Complete OS Version/Build of Client
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Complete OS Version/Build of Client


Article ID: 231798


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


As an IT administrator, I need a report that shows the complete OS version/build (e.g. Windows 10.0.18363.1016 (1909)), so that I can quickly and easily determine which devices are running the latest version/build supported by my organization.

Prior to ITMS 8.6 RU1 only shows partial Windows Server 2019 build (17763), not full build numbers (17763.2366) for example.

The last 4 digits are also called the UBR (Update Build Revision) which is stored in the Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\

In Resource Manager just shows the major build number:

While Windows "About" shows Full major and minor build versions:


ITMS 8.6 RU1


ITMS 8.6 RU1 introduced improvements in this area:

Feature: Full operating system version and full operating system build number of the clients.

Description: The AeX AC Identification page in Resource Manager now shows the full operating system version and full operating system build number. You can also add this data to your customized reports.

Under "OS Comparable Version (decoded)" will show the full OS build version. For example 10.0.17763.2366

See IT Management Suite 8.6 RU1 Release Notes

In order to add this information as part of your custom reports, you just need to include:

fnGetComparableVersionAsString ([OS Comparable Version]) AS [OS Version Detailed]

As an example, you can clone the "Computers" report under "Reports > Notification Server Management > Server > Resource Reports" and extend it with an additional column that includes this information:
Here is the screenshot of the cloned report with an additional column called "OS Version Detailed" in this example:
As a reference, this is the query used to populate the "Inv_AeX_AC_Identification" dataclass section in Resource Manager: 
 c.[System Type],
 c.[OS Name],
 c.[OS Type],
 c.[OS Version],
 c.[OS Revision],
 c.[Last Logon User],
 c.[Last Logon Domain],
 c.[Client Date],
 c.[OS Major Version],
 c.[OS Minor Version],
 c.[OS Build Number],
 c.[OS Primary Language],
 c.[OS Sub Language],
 c.[User Primary Language],
 c.[User Sub Language],
 c.[Install Primary Language],
 c.[Install Sub Language],
 c.[Unique ID],
 c.[Timezone Bias],
 c.[Hardware Serial Number],
 c.[BIOS Serial Number],
 c.[HW Chassis Serial Number],
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnBinToChar(c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask (HEX)',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetPlatformName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Platform',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetTypeName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Type',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetOSNumberNameEx2 (c.[OS System Mask], c.[DisplayVersion]) END AS 'OS System Mask - OS Name',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetHWPlatformName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Hardware Platform',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetArchitectureName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Processor Architecture',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetTagFlagsName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Tag Flags',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetServicePackName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - Service Pack',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS System Mask] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnSysMask_GetOSEditionName (c.[OS System Mask]) END AS 'OS System Mask - OS Edition',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS Comparable Version] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnBinToChar(c.[OS Comparable Version]) END AS 'OS Comparable Version (HEX)',
 CASE WHEN c.[OS Comparable Version] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.fnGetComparableVersionAsString(c.[OS Comparable Version]) END AS 'OS Comparable Version (decoded)',
 c.[OS Canonical Name]
FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification c
 c._ResourceGuid = '9f9c1c6d-d73a-45ab-a170-c6acce308273' --GUID of the desired machine

Additional Information

Please see KB 226615 - Example Report: Complete OS Version/Build of Client