CVE-2021-44228 - log4j Vulnerability in CA Service Management - JasperSoft Report
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CVE-2021-44228 - log4j Vulnerability in CA Service Management - JasperSoft Report


Article ID: 230331


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Catalog



Apache Log4j2 <=2.14.1 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters do not protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints. An attacker who can control log messages or log message parameters can execute arbitrary code loaded from LDAP servers when message lookup substitution is enabled



It was found that the fix to address CVE-2021-44228 in Apache Log4j 2.15.0 was incomplete in certain non-default configurations. This could allows attackers with control over Thread Context Map (MDC) input data when the logging configuration uses a non-default Pattern Layout with either a Context Lookup (for example, $${ctx:loginId}) or a Thread Context Map pattern (%X, %mdc, or %MDC) to craft malicious input data using a JNDI Lookup pattern resulting in a denial of service (DOS) attack. Log4j 2.15.0 restricts JNDI LDAP lookups to localhost by default. Note that previous mitigations involving configuration such as to set the system property `log4j2.noFormatMsgLookup` to `true` do NOT mitigate this specific vulnerability. Log4j 2.16.0 fixes this issue by removing support for message lookup patterns and disabling JNDI functionality by default. This issue can be mitigated in prior releases (<2.16.0) by removing the JndiLookup class from the classpath (example: zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class).


Service Managment 17.2 and 17.3

Release : Jasper 7.2, Jasper 7.9, Jasper Studio 7.5

For Jasper Server 7.9:

You may follow the resolution steps provided in this KB article OR can apply the Jasper Server 7.9 Tibco Hotfix from the Broadcom Support.

For applying hotfix on 17.3 RU10 or above:  refer to the following link.

For applying hotfix on 17.2 RU17 and above:  refer to the following link.

For Jasper Studio 7.5:

You may follow the resolution steps provided in this KB article OR can apply the Jaspersoft Studio 7.5 Tibco Hotfix from the Broadcom Support.

For applying hotfix on 17.3 RU10 or above:  refer to the following link.

For applying hotfix on 17.3 RU6 and up to 17.3 RU9:  refer to the following link.

For applying hotfix on 17.2 RU17 and above:  refer to the following link.

For applying hotfix on 17.2 RU14 and up to 17.2 RU16 : refer to the following link


This vulnerability affects all versions of log4j from 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1


Jasper Server 7.2 is not affected by this vulnerability

Jasper Server 7.9, Jasper Studio 7.5 is affected by this vulnerability.

Please follow below steps to implement the workaround to avoid the vulnerability:


Jasper Server and Jasper Studio are vulnerable to this CVE 

Jasper Server 7.9 

  • In the  <JasperInstallerFolder>\jasperreports-server-7.9.0\apache-tomcat\bin\catalina.bat file 


Add this line

set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true"


set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources"

  • Save the file and restart the Jasper Tomcat Service

Jasper Studio 7.5

  • In the <JasperStudioInstallationFolder>\jaspersoftstudiopro\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\7\0\.cp\resources\

Change the line from 

log4j.appender.fileout.layout.conversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1},%t:%L - %m%n




log4j.appender.fileout.layout.conversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1},%t:%L - %m{nolookups}%n

  • In the <JasperStudioInstallationFolder>\jaspersoftstudiopro\Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini

At the end copy this line


Save the file and restart Jasper Studio

Footer note : (Mandatory step)

  • Jasper Server 7.9

Navigate to <JasperInstallerFolder>\jasperreports-server-7.9.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\lib directory, open the log4j-core-*.jar using WinRar/7-Zip utility and delete the JndiLookup.class from org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup

  • Jasper Studio 7.5 

Navigate to <JasperStudioInstallationFolder>\jaspersoftstudiopro\jrio\jrio\WEB-INF\lib directory, open the log4j-core-*.jar using WinRar/7-Zip utility and delete the JndiLookup.class from org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup

Additional Information