MUX Timesheet availability does not match Classic (Days)
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MUX Timesheet availability does not match Classic (Days)


Article ID: 224720


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Timesheet availability in the Modern User Experience (MUX) does not match the Classic view when the effort is configured in Days.  When changing the effort to Hours, they match.


  1. Select a resource and update the availability to 9.5 hrs
  2. Go to the resource's calendar
  3. Update the resource's calendar as the below:
    • Mon/Wed shift = 9.5 hrs
    • Tues/Thurs shift = 4hrs
    • Friday = Non-Workday
  4. Create a new project and add the resource to the team
  5. Create a task and assign the resource to the task
  6. Go to Timesheets in Classic View
  7. Search for the resource with the timesheet status of Open and click on the timesheet icon
  8. Click Configure on the timesheet
  9. Under Time Entry Options, set Display Unit to Days
  10. Save and Return
  11. Add the new task
    • Mon/Wed - enter 1.1
    • Tues/Thurs - enter .65
    • Friday = blank
    • Save
  12. Go to Classic, Administration, General Settings, System Options
  13. Under 'New User Experience' check 'Activate Timesheets and Save changes 
  14. Log out then log back in
  15. Go to the MUX
  16. Verify that effort is in Days under Settings
  17. Click on Timesheets
  18. Search for the resource
  19. Go to the timesheet 

Expected Results: The timesheet should match what was entered in the Classic view. 

Actual Results: The timesheet is showing more than what was entered.  When changed Effort to Hours, it matches Classic view.  The database is correct as well. 


Release : 15.9.1, 15.9.2



This is DE60880


  1. Resolved in 15.9.3. Fix: Instead of the resource calendar, the Modern UX will be taking the Standard calendar which is similar to Classic.
  2. An additional fix is added in to resolve an issue with the total number of hours not matching the personal / assigned calendar. 

Workaround: None