We are having some issues with the DA: 8581
After upgrading from PM 3.5 to NetOps 21.2.2+, the Data Aggregator data source fails to connect; test fails, 401 error
Dx NetOps Performance Management
SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey mismatch
Go into MySql
/opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p<MySqlPassword>
use netqosportal
select * from performance_center_properties order by 1,priority;
find the value for SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey
curl -v -u admin -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d'<DataAggregatorInfo version="1.0.0"><SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey><EncryptionKey from above></SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey></DataAggregatorInfo>' http://localhost:8581/rest/dataaggregator/8
Note: The value 8 is the Data Aggregator ID and it can be found in the http://<DA_host>:8581/rest/dataaggregator/ output.
DA:8581/rest/dataaggregator now shows the correct key for "SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey"