Cannot start DA after a successful upgrade to 21.2.2
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Cannot start DA after a successful upgrade to 21.2.2


Article ID: 223155


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


We are in a process of upgrading the released 21.2.2; after successfully installed PM we did the DA installation, the installation is completed and it said successfully but the DA daemon process was not come up (dadaemon). We have stop and restart the Daemon but are still hopeless.  We attached the CARE file for your review. 


Release : 21.2

Component :


In the karaf.out file, we noticed a Java Virtual Machine issue:

/app/local/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-4.2.6/data/karaf.out file:

/app/local/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-4.2.6/bin/inc: line 251: [: : integer expression expected
/app/local/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-4.2.6/bin/karaf: line 100: [: : integer expression expected
/app/local/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-4.2.6/bin/karaf: line 617: [: : integer expression expected
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option UnsyncloadClass; support was removed in 11.0
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/app/local/IMDataAggregator/jre/jre/lib/endorsed:/app/local/IMDataAggregator/jre/lib/endorsed:/app/local/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-4.2.6/lib/endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs
in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.


When we ran the following syntax to get the Java version, we got the same error:

$ /app/local/IMDataAggregator/jre/bin/java -version
<JAVA_HOME>/lib/ext exists, extensions mechanism no longer supported; Use -classpath instead.
.Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.


The /app/local/IMDataAggregator/jre/lib/ext directory exits, but it is empty.


Remove the /app/local/IMDataAggregator/jre/lib/ext directory.

$ sudo rm -rf ext


Now the following syntax ran successfully:

$ /app/local/IMDataAggregator/jre/bin/java -version
openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9, mixed mode)

Successfully started the DA.

$ sudo service activemq start
$ sudo service dadaemon start