Error during J2ZDPLOY and/or MSHDPLOY
The J2ZDPLOY and MSHDPLOY jobs are being rerun either because of a previous error that was corrected, or to deploy new maintenance that was installed.
The following message is uncovered...
********************************* TOPOF DATA **********************************************
IOEZ00825E Aggregate contains file system.Specify the -overwrite option to format.
******************************** BOTTOMOF DATA *****************************************
Release : 15.0
Previously allocated and formatted zFS filesystems are being reused.
The zFS format messages generated in both jobs is "acceptable" when the jobs are being rerun. This is because on a rerun, some zFS filesystems (which the exception of hlq.CPTARG.CCSZFS) are already allocated and previously formatted. Despite the IOEZ00825E message, the subsequent steps run successfully.