Information regarding NS.SQL defragmentation schedule
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Information regarding NS.SQL defragmentation schedule


Article ID: 217071


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


What does this "NS.SQL defragmentation schedule" scheduled task do?


ITMS 8.1, 8.5, 8.6


The NS.SQL defragmentation schedule was introduced to help analyze the defragmentation level of your CMDB and to perform the defragmentation as needed.

This scheduled task was added to ITMS 8.1 RU4 release as a new change:

Feature: New default schedule for SQL defragmentation.

Description: In previous releases, the NS.SQL defragmentation schedule. {cdcd50e9-1c42-402b-921c-8ad6c9ff0d34} task is set to run only once by default and does not repeat anymore.

After upgrading to IT Management Suite 8.1 RU4, the NS.SQL defragmentation schedule.{cdcd50e9-1c42-402b-921c-8ad6c9ff0d34} task has a new default schedule and runs as follows:

    • If no custom schedule is specified, the task will run weekly every  Saturday at 12:00 PM.
    • If a custom schedule is specified, the task will run according to the specified schedule.

You can configure the schedule for this task in Task Scheduler.

This NS.SQL defragmentation schedule was introduced as a way to automize what we used to suggest for ITMS 7.6 and 8.0 releases with the following KB:

KB 184957  "Maintenance of your CMDB - analyzing the defragmentation level of CMDB and performing the defragmentation"