UIM CABI - Extend the time range selection beyond 3 months
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UIM CABI - Extend the time range selection beyond 3 months


Article ID: 216874


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


The Time Range selection in Ad Hoc Reports only allows up to 3 months. Is there a way to add more Time Ranges?


CABI 4.30


This can be done the following way for CABI 4.30 and prior versions.

Note: 'Metrics Topic with custom timeframe' is available with CABI 7.50+ 

-login to the cabi server using 'superuser'
-select View > Repository
-traverse to the following, and right click > edit on time_range_values

-Type in the desired next value > click Add > click Submit

You can add multiple values here and then push submit:

Keep in mind the longer the time range the more load the report will put on the system, and the longer it will take to generate the report

Additional Information

Related KB:

UIM 20.3.3 ability to use custom time frames for CABI reports (broadcom.com)