Operator Console does not display default metrics for snmpcollector QOS
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Operator Console does not display default metrics for snmpcollector QOS


Article ID: 214000


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


In Operator Console our device view for interfaces where we know data exists in the database is not showing metrics in the Default Metric Views in OC for the Device specific view:

Defaults views are populated with data from CDM but not from SNMPcollector. 

Only after creating a graph manually and adding it as “Default View” data will be shown.

Is it possible to have default metrics displayed automatically as the OC does for other QOS, e.g., cdm QOS is displayed automatically as "golden metrics" ?


Release : UIM 20.3.3 and Later 

Component : UIM OPERATOR CONSOLE - Metric Viewer


Missing Feature


UIM 20.3.3Hf1, (and later GA UIM versions) specifically ump_operatorconsole.zip version 2.10Hf2 introduces a new configuration key in the OC wasp where we are able to control the "Golden Metrics," meaning we can tell the wasp which metrics to show by default when selecting a device, automatically, without having to create a custom view and setting it as Default View.


As soon as the patch is deployed the following key appears in the OC Wasp:

                metric_descriptions = Aggregate CPU Usage,Processor Queue Length,Memory Usage,Paging,Physical Memory Usage,Swap Memory Usage,Response Time,Utilization,Availability,Reachability
                probe_names = cdm,net_connect,rsp,pollagent


After the patch is deployed, aside from enabling the key for the following pollagent, QOS is added by default without any manual intervention with respect to the previous default behavior:


Met Description: Utilization,Availability,Reachability


So the above metrics will show automatically if there is data for the above mentioned QOS for the last 24h for a specific device. 

The new key also allows editing the metrics to display. 



To edit this new key to show additional metrics follow the instructions below:

1. Once the patch is running on the OC Wasp,
Run the query below against the UIM database:

Select qos,ccimd.met_description from s_qos_data qd inner join CM_CONFIGURATION_ITEM_METRIC ccim on qd.ci_metric_id = ccim .ci_metric_id 
inner join CM_CONFIGURATION_ITEM_METRIC_DEFINITION ccimd on ccim.ci_metric_type = ccimd.met_type 
where qd.probe = 'pollagent'

Copy the output of the query (you will need to use this later)


2. Open the Raw configure on the OC Wasp and see the newly created keys as below:

    webapps > operatorconsole_portlet > golden_metrices > device_type_config



In this section, you will see 3 keys.



In these keys, it is defined what we currently have as default metrics. You will see that the probe "pollagent" is listed in the probe_names.



4. Update the 2 keys "qos_names" and "metric_descriptions" with the information you have collected in the query and add them as comma-separated values.


See below example in the wasp.cfg: we have added only the additional 3 QOSs as shown below in bold.


            metric_descriptions = Aggregate CPU Usage,Processor Queue Length,Memory Usage,Paging,Physical Memory Usage,Swap Memory Usage,Response Time,Utilization,Availability,Reachability,Bits,BitsIn,BitsOut
            probe_names = cdm,net_connect,rsp,pollagent


* Note that the order the new metrics and the descriptions are added is important as there has to be consistency in both lists, metric_description, and qos_names
(e.g. you can not add the name of the new metric at the beginning of the metric_description list and the new QoS name at the end of the qos_names).

When the wasp probe is restarted, the device that has the metrics will display them by default.

Additional Information

To download UIM 20.3.3Hf1 patches go to:
Related KB Article:
UIM 20.4 and later versions include this fix.