After creating a Inventory Policy Custom Schedule, it shows as Blank for Chrome and Edge Browsers when editing it
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After creating a Inventory Policy Custom Schedule, it shows as Blank for Chrome and Edge Browsers when editing it


Article ID: 213589


Updated On:


Inventory Solution IT Management Suite Client Management Suite Server Management Suite


You have created a custom schedule for one of your inventory policies and saved the policy. You come back to check or edit the schedule, but the pop-up is blank when using Edge or Chrome. It displays normally if using Firefox or Internet Explorer.



ITMS 8.5 RU4


Known issue. There was an issue with Javascript used in this section. Files updated:
Altiris.Inventory.Web.dll under to ..\Altiris\Inventory\Web\bin
OfflineClientTaskPolicy.aspx under to ..\Altiris\Inventory\Web\Policies


This issue is not present with our ITMS 8.6 release.

A pointfix for customers with ITMS 8.4 RU4 can be found under the Inventory Solution section in KB 198337 "CUMULATIVE POST ITMS 8.5 RU4 POINT FIXES"