Fatal error has occurred in servlet please see jsrvr.log for details appearing when exporting to Excel.
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Fatal error has occurred in servlet please see jsrvr.log for details appearing when exporting to Excel.


Article ID: 21308


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


When both messages, "Fatal error had occurred in servlet please see jsrvr.log for details" and "AHD13104:Export Process exited or is not responding" are received, the root cause may be a timeout. This document describes how to confirm and resolve this situation.


Release: SDMU0M99000-14.1-Service Desk Manager-Full License and higher


As a first step, it would be useful to verify that the associated .xml file had been created.

To verify that a .xml file is created, set log4j.rootCategory in the $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE\webaps\CAisd\WEB-INF\log4j.properties file from "info" to "debug". The entry in log4j.properties should be this:

log4j.rootCategory=debug, jsrvrlog.

After changing log4j.properties, be sure to restart Tomcat. To restart Tomcat, following these steps:

  1. Run: pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop"
  2. wait for the stop-completed message to be written to the current stdlog file
  3. Run: pdm_tomcat_nxd - c start

During the export, a message should now be written to the $NX_ROOT\log\jsrvr.log that confirms that a .xml file is created.

You may also want to monitor the content of $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE\temp for the appearance and disappearance of the file - The file is automatically deleted when the export completes.

If the .xml file was not created, then it could be the case that the export has timed out before completion. The popup message in that case would display this message:

Fatal error has occurred in servlet please see jsrvr.log for details.

To verify a timeout, look in the jsrvr.log file for a message similar to these: (Note that the "DEBUG" messages only get written when "debug" is set in the log4j.properties file as described previously.

08/05 13:25:39.718[Thread-34] DEBUG SlumpLoop 173 SL0: Delivering message reportReply:19183784 from pdm_export_mgr. to pdmweb:<EXAMPLE SERVER>#-3b8aa868:138f6b37ff3:-7fff.jvAAAAAC [PDMExport PDMExport]
08/05 13:25:39.718[Thread-34] ERROR PDMExport 1202 Got Reply Error (4) AHD13104:Export Process exited or is not responding
08/05 13:25:39.734[Thread-34] DEBUG SlumpLoop 155 SL0: Waiting for messages

If the problem is due to a timeout, then it may possibly be resolved by adding the following statement to the $NX_ROOT\NX.env file:


You may need to experiment with the value.   If 60 is not high enough, perhaps double the value to 120, for example.

pdm_options_mgr -c -s EXPORT_MGR_WORKER_TIMEOUT -v 120 -a pdm_option.inst
pdm_options_mgr -c -s EXPORT_MGR_WORKER_TIMEOUT -v 120 -a pdm_option.inst  -t

Remember to recycle SDM services each time that you change this value.