Understanding Rule and Schedule Calculations
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Understanding Rule and Schedule Calculations


Article ID: 213039


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


How the rule calculate the schedules, when no-shift is defined.


Release : 6.x



In general, rules have three parts i.e. pace, shift duration and shift direction. Let's understand what each part is meant for

1: Pace: Every working days, Monday, Week, Quarter etc.

2: Shift Duration: Relative to pace what is the "shift", 1 working day, third Monday (including the Pace day). It will progressively shift duration mentioned to find any authorized day.

3: Shift Direction: It can either be Forward/Backward


Let's consider some example rules below

  • Every 1 Thursday On 1 working day, forward with if Unauthorized = No Shift

The output will be like below for each Month, when NO Thursday is unauthorized either via General Calendar Holiday or via Rule authorization mask

  • Every 1 Thursday On 1 Working day, forward with if Unauthorized = No Shift. 

The output will be like below for a specific Month, when a Thursday is marked as Holiday via General Calendar Holiday but shift rule of 1 working day found 12 (Friday) as Authorized and hence schedule shifts to that day.

  • Every 1 Friday On 1 working day, forward with if Unauthorized = No Shift.

The output will be like below for a specific Month, when a Friday and following Monday is marked as Holiday via General Calendar but shift 1 working day will shift and finds that 17 Tuesday is authorized and hence shift schedule of 13 to it. In this calendar defines Sat & Sun as non-working day hence they are also unauthorized.