Proxy forwarding into WSS.
Internal IP addressing scheme using public IP address range e.g. a class C network starting with 193.x.x.x.
User browses the internet and noticed their internal IP sitting on 193.x.x.x subnet was exposed.
Using we see the Broadcom DC IP, but the X-Forwarded-For header includes the 193.x.x.x IP address.
WSS managed using UPE.
Cloud SWG.
Proxy forwarding.
On premise Proxy is forwarding the internal IP into Cloud SWG via CPL policy.
Cloud SWG sees that it is not an RFC1918 IP address and proxies it to external web server.
When designing an internal network, best practice should always be to use an RFC1918 IP address range. Using an existing, routable, public IP address range can be problematic.
To address the above issue, two options exist:
Some Web servers use the XFF header to GEO locate, overwriting the ingress IP address. This is the only reason option 3 above was defined.