IDMS: ADDON install general guidelines
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IDMS: ADDON install general guidelines


Article ID: 206877


Updated On: 01-20-2021




If you have already installed and configured IDMS, but now there is an IDMS component product you want that you did NOT install, then you have to run what is known as an ADDON configuration.

This document contains general guidelines for how to do this.


Release : All supported releases
Component : CA IDMS


You will need to edit your *.CAISAG.CONFIG(VARBLIST) member so it might first be a good idea to save the existing one (the one you used for the original configuration) under a different name.

As this is a new configuration, change the BEGINMEM value (probably JOB originally) to something else so that CAISAG execution does not overwrite the original generated jobs.

In the VARBLIST member there are two lists of component products, one at the beginning and one at the end.

On the S1912 pax file, the first list begins at about line 72. In this list, the value for all of the products already installed plus the one(s) you want to add, must be set to YES. Read the comments before this list carefully.

The second list of products begins at about line 1949. In this list only the product(s) you are adding in this configuration should be set to YES. All others should be set to NO. Again, read the comments prior to the list carefully.

Run CAISAG, then review and execute the generated jobs in the same manner that you would for a normal configuration.

Additional Information

Install and Maintain (IDMS on) z/OS