Parameterized lookup value blank in list views if "IS NULL" is missing from the query
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Parameterized lookup value blank in list views if "IS NULL" is missing from the query


Article ID: 20572


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When using parameterized lookups on objects, the values do not show in Object List Views while displaying correctly on Properties views.

Steps to reproduce (MSSQL server - specific query)

  1. XOG in the attached lookup descriptions lookup_write.xml
  2. Connect to Clarity, make sure three lookups are now created:
  3. Go to Clarity Studio : Objects : Incident: Attributes
  4. Create a new attributeTest1 based on test_IDs lookup
  5. Save
  6. Create a new attribute Test2 based on Test dynamic lookup, hit Save
  7. In the attribute Test2 properties, in section Lookup Parameter Mappings select test1 for Object Attribute ID
  8. Save
  9. Add both attributes Test1 and Test2 to Incident Properties Edit Layout view in General section
  10. Add both attributes Test1 and Test2 to Incident List View
  11. Publish the views
  12. Now go to Home - Incidents
  13. Create a new incident, select ZZtest as value in Test1, and Clarity in Test2
  14. Save
  15. Now go back to Incident list view.

Expected results: See both of the values populated in the list
Actual results: Values are blank


Release: All


Modify the dynamic lookup query to include OR X IS NULL statement. Note: The side effect of this is that it will make display all values in the second parameterized dynamic lookup if no value is selected in lookup 1 (because of the IS NULL condition). All the rest will be working as expected and it will display in the List views.

Example of change needed below:
FROM cmn_lookups lkp
INNER JOIN cmn_captions_nls nls
ON nls.table_name = 'CMN_LOOKUPS'
AND nls.pk_id =
WHERE lookup_type = 'TEST_STATIC'
AND lkp.is_active = 1
AND nls.language_code = @WHERE:PARAM:LANGUAGE@
AND @WHERE:PARAM:USER_DEF:INTEGER:Test_IDS_id@ = LEFT(lkp.lookup_code,3)


FROM cmn_lookups lkp
INNER JOIN cmn_captions_nls nls
ON nls.table_name = 'CMN_LOOKUPS'
AND nls.pk_id =
WHERE lookup_type = 'TEST_STATIC'
AND lkp.is_active = 1
AND nls.language_code = @WHERE:PARAM:LANGUAGE@
AND (@WHERE:PARAM:USER_DEF:INTEGER:Test_IDS_id@ = LEFT(lkp.lookup_code,3) OR

Additional Information

See also: Lookups master KB for Clarity