How to change the default password for the Spectrum WebApp
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How to change the default password for the Spectrum WebApp


Article ID: 205253


Updated On:


CA Spectrum CA eHealth


How can I change the default login and password for the Spectrum Webapp tool.  Also, the default password is in plain text.  How can this be changed?


Release : 20.2

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


The default password is encrypted in DX NetOps Spectrum 20.2.0 (aka and above.  If you are running a previous version, you will need to upgrade to 20.2.0 or above to utilize the password encryption functionality.

To change the password in any version of the webapp, log into the WebApp Admin page with default spectrum/spectrum:


For example:

http://<oc hostname>:9443/spectrum

Then select Manage:

And then Configuration:


Then Scroll down to Security Module Config - General:

Enter the password in plain text

Then scroll back up to the top of the screen and press the Apply button under "Server Configuration"

In Spectrum 20.2.0 and above the password will automatically be encrypted.  

You can also add additional users with the + symbol at the end of the line:

Additional Information

NOTE:   It is recommended to backup a copy of the SPECROOT/webtomcat/webswing/webswing.config file before upgrading to ensure the modifications are not lost.