How to clear Provisioning Server notification queue (inbound synchronization)
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How to clear Provisioning Server notification queue (inbound synchronization)


Article ID: 20352


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Manager


In some cases, a notification sent from Provisioning Server to Identity Manager cannot be processed by Identity Manager, due to various reasons. While this notification is in place, it is blocking the queue, preventing from further notifications (updates) from Provisioning to reach and be processed by Identity Manager.

Possible error visible in etanotify.log

  • Error in notification processing: Reason: Operation failed. ERROR: IMS was not able to consume the notification successfully.
  • DONE: Notifications Processed: 0/100+ [FAILED]

The procedure below describes the procedure of identifying the relevant notification and removing it, so the queue is again functional and able to process subsequent pending notifications.



All versions of Identity Suite (Identity Manager)


Identifying Use case: 

Q: First how do we identify whether the notification queue is blocked?

A: By reviewing the latest etanotifyxxxxxxxx-xxxx.log under (..\CA\Identity Manager\Provisioning Server\logs) search for the "Notifications Processed" information


START: Notify Batch Processing
Sending Notification: eTNotifyOpID=1da866bf-3b1f-4a0d-xxxx-4612099ceba1
Event: Delete_Provisioning_Object (eTDYNDirectoryName=<directory name>)
SeqNo: 0000000514
Try sending payload to 
https://<>:8443/idm/ETACALLBACK/?env=<env name>
ERROR: No message provided
Error in notification processing: Reason: Operation failed. ERROR: IMS wasnot able to consume the notification successfully.
Originated from: .\EtaNotifyTools.cpp [1102].
DONE: Notifications Processed: 0/100+ [FAILED]


The line above states that this notification processing has failed and that there are > 100 notifications pending in the queue

Removing blocking notification:


Next step would be to connect to the notification DSA (<HOSTNAME>-impd-notify) using an LDAP browser and remove the problematic notification:


Note:  Please make sure to have a backup of the DSA in place before making any of the following changes!


1.  Connect to the notification DSA - using jxplorer for example:

Host: Provisioning Server hostname

Port: 20404 (Default port used in vApp, change if you changed it)

User DN: eTDSAContainerName=DSAs,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=etadb

Password: password used during installation.

(You could also lower security temporarily by setting min-auth=none; via DSA Management Console for the DSA)


2.  From the etanotifyxxxxxxxx-xxxx.log, identify the eTNotifyOpID of the problematic notification. From the example given earlier, we can see ours is



3.  Using your LDAP browser session, search for it and once found delete it.

Next you should observe the rest of the pending notifications being processed (by reviewing the updated etanotifyxxxxxxxx-xxxx.log). Should you encounter further "faulty" notifications blocking the queue, steps 1-3 mentioned earlier are to be followed for each one.


Additional Information

If the number of pending notifications is too high please contact Support for assistance.