Prior to Spectrum, the restart command did not shut down the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager. The script now does shut down these processes. What has changed?
Release :
Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER
Code update.
Starting in the script has changed. Instead of using /etc/init.d it is now going to use systemctl (service units) going forward. This is part of the script that has been changed.
my $processd_exe = "$ENV{'SPECROOT'}/lib/SDPM/processd$exe" ;
my $system_cmd = "systemctl" ;
# Pass appropriate argument to processd
if(-x $processd_exe)
@command = ("$system_cmd $task processd");
As an alternative, you can use the processd executable to restart the service and this will not stop the SS and AM. Below is an example:
[root@HOSTNAME SDPM]# date
Fri Oct 16 09:14:49 EDT 2020
[root@HOSTNAME SDPM]# ./processd --restart
Waiting 20 seconds for daemon to shutdown....
daemon stopped
starting "SPECTRUM Process Daemon" daemon: pid 237730
VNM.OUT file:
Oct 16 09:10:28 : /usr/Spectrum/SS/SpectroSERVER
is now ready on port 0xbeef...