UIM - secedit tool for Linux
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UIM - secedit tool for Linux


Article ID: 201384


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Secedit is a windows tool used to recover a corrupted security.cfg file or add missing sections to the security.cfg file

Is there a UIM secedit for UIM for linux? 



Release : UIM 9.x, 20.x

Component : UIM - HUB


There is no secedit for Linux.  

to recover a corrupted security.cfg file or add missing sections to the security.cfg a workaround can used if UIM is based on Linux.


If you only have Linux hubs:

You can create a temporary Windows secondary hub and let the security file sync to it. Use secedit on that windows system and make the change there. Make sure to increase the version number in the file along with the changes and then this will be synced back to the other systems, including linux hubs. 


If you have a windows hub in the system:

Use secedit on that windows system and make the change there. Make sure to increase the version number in the file along with the changes and then this will be synced back to the other systems, including linux hubs. 

Additional Information

UIM - Use the secedit utility to recover or modify the security.cfg
