ucybsmcl unable to stop/start processes *ERRROR 2* Pipe returned error
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ucybsmcl unable to stop/start processes *ERRROR 2* Pipe returned error


Article ID: 200589


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Trying to use the ucybsmcl (servicemanager command line interface) to start or stop processes with a command like:

./ucybsmcl -c STOP_PROCESS -h localhost:<port> -n Automic -s CP1

returns the following in the standard out:

Please check atleast one of the following conditions are met.
	*) Set CAPKIHOME environment variable. 
	*) Pass valid second parameter to etpki_lib_init function. Ex: if the second parameter is /a/b/c/[lib]cryptocme2.[dll][so][sl], it is assumed that /a/b/c has all the required CAPKI shared libraries 
Warning: Service Manager communication could not be established in secure mode!
*ERROR 2* Pipe returned error
Connection reset by peerPlease check atleast one of the following conditions are met.


Automic Workload Automation 12.3


This is caused by the incorrect environment setup.  On linux, running an env command returns no CAPKIHOME or the incorrect CAPKIHOME


If this has worked before it's possible the environment is already set in the .bash_profile (or similar shell profile).  If this is the case, use the same environment that is used to start the service manager on the IP or DNS name referenced with the -h parameter.

Otherwise be sure that the environment variable CAPKIHOME is set

On Windows, be sure the service manager dialog machine also has CAPKI installed.