How to split interfaces when a not polled interface consolidates with a polled interface in DX Netops Performance Management
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How to split interfaces when a not polled interface consolidates with a polled interface in DX Netops Performance Management


Article ID: 198144


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Splitting interfaces when a not polled interface consolidates with a polled interface in DX Netops Performance Management


Release: All PM Releases


Conflicts due to synchronizing not present items as outlined here.


1) On the Data Aggregator (DA) admin page, expose the interface ID

 a) Find the device under Administration->Monitored Items Management->Monitored Devices  

 b) Select the "Polled Metric Families" tab and select the "Interface" Metric family row 

 c) At the bottom of the screen, click any of the headers above the interface components at the bottom and select Column->ID

    Note the ID of the not-present interface that conflicts with the present interface.

2)  Get the index of the interface:


    Look for the index:


3) To create a unique alternate index, add, say 900000 to the index and add an AlternateIndentificationIndex and add this to the interface via REST:

URL: http://DA:8581/rest/ports/PutIDHereFromStep1
Method: PUT
Content-Type: application/xml

<Port version="1.0.0">
<DeviceComponent version="1.0.0">

4) Wait for a sync with DA (5-10 minutes) and verify you can see both ports in the Netops Portal