VIPTELA "Viptela VPN Interface (Port)" Interfaces on vEdge 1000/2000 devices Are 'Not Polled' or not discovered in DX Netops
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VIPTELA "Viptela VPN Interface (Port)" Interfaces on vEdge 1000/2000 devices Are 'Not Polled' or not discovered in DX Netops


Article ID: 192969


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


VIPTELA "Viptela VPN Interface (Port)" Interfaces on vEdge 1000/2000 devices Are 'Not Polled' or not discovered in DX Netops


Release : 3.7

Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration


Device defect:


The device is returning an SNMP genError (Generic Error) on OID during discovery which can be replicated using
the utilities snmpgetbulk/snmpwalk outside of DX Netops

This should be addressed by the device vendor


An extension can be used to not poll the OID causing the error.

Note this will change the description on existing and new VPN interfaces using the "Viptela VPN Interface (Port)" VC

1) Do a get to:


And copied the original blank extension XML.

This should be saved for reverting later once the device issue is addressed.

2) Then do a PUT as type application/xml to:


With a body of:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Auto-generated by the type catalog local manager.-->
<DataModel namespace="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="SNMPCertificationFacet.xsd">
    <FacetType name="ViptelaOperVpnInterfaceUsingPortMFMib" descriptorClass="">
        <FacetOf namespace="" name="Item" />
            <ExpressionGroup name="ViptelaOperVpnInterfaceDS" destCert="{}NormalizedPortInfo">
                    <Expression destAttr="Descriptions">"Viptela-VPN-ID-" + snmpOIDParser(Index, 1, 1) + "-Interface-" + snmpObjectIDToASCIIString(snmpOIDParser(Index, 3, -1))</Expression>

3) To revert Do the same put as in step 2, with the saved XML from step 1.

Additional Information

Note that as of 3.7.11/20.2.1 if this Vendor Certification is Vendor Cerrtifiation Priority grouped with another VC such as "High Speed Interface",
the error will cause the discovery for all VC under the Interface Metric Family to fail.

The workaround above to not poll the erroring OID would correct this as well.

Related issues: 

Symptom: When SNMP MIB table read encountered PARTIAL_FAILURE error during a metric family change detection process, it could create some incomplete component items. Next time when the MIB table is read successfully, the incomplete items are marked as Not Present. If a device's SNMP agent frequently returns PARTIAL_FAILURE for its MIB table reads, a lot of Not Present components is created.
Resolution: Improved the metric family discovery not to create any component items when a SNMP PARTIAL_FAILURE is encountered. .
(20.2.1, DE451685)

Symptom: When SNMP MIB table read encountered PARTIAL_FAILURE error during a metric family change detection process, it could create some incomplete component items. Next time when the MIB table is read successfully, the incomplete items will be marked as Not Present. If a device's SNMP agent frequently returns PARTIAL_FAILURE for its MIB table reads, a lot of Not Present components will be created.
Resolution: Improved the metric family discovery not to create any component items when a SNMP PARTIAL_FAILURE is encountered.
(3.7.11, DE451685)