The Remote JMX monitoring extension for the APM Infrastructure Agent metrics allows the selection of which JMX data is to be reported. The documentation
describes how to use the Whitelist to specify for which Mbean objects JMX attributes are reported, and the module jmx.yml files to specify which attributes are reported.
By default all attributes of string or numeric types are reported for all MBeans
This KB gives some specific examples to aid in the configuration of this filtering.
Release : 11..x 19.x 20.x
Component : APM Agents
Using the default property values in the extension the JMX branches reported for an example Tomcat agent look like this
Using the Whitelist feature it is possible to reduce the branches reported by setting the following property value
Note the wildcard in the ObjectName specification and how that relates to what is in Jconsole – it is possible to be more specific by defining additional elements of the name. Also note the use of variables in the metricName and how they are expanded in the investigator (below)
Finally set the modules property in the file to include this new module