Update Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services after IP Address or Host Name changes
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Update Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services after IP Address or Host Name changes


Article ID: 191785


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How can we update the Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services after the server it is installed on has a new IP address assigned.

How do we change the IP address for the Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services if the server is moved to a new subnet?

How can we update the Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services after the server it is installed on has a new Host Name assigned?

What changes are needed when a Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services has it's Host Name changed?


All supported Performance Management releases


The server the Data Aggregator Fault-Tolerant consul proxy services are installed on has had it's IP Address or Host Name changed.


The Data Aggregators may be left in their existing Active, Inactive, or Maintenance states when making these changes. They are not required to be set to Maintenance.

NOTE: If the Host Name has changed but not the IP Address, the same instructions below apply. Just substitute the Host Name anywhere it references the IP Address and change where needed.

Locations To Change the IP Address: Data Aggregator Proxy Installations

  1.  Edit the consul.service file. Replace the old IP Address in the "-bind=" value with the new IP Address.
    • For RH 7.x the file is /etc/systemd/system/consul.service
    • For RH 6.x the file is /etc/init.d/consul
  2. In the /opt/IMDataAggregator/consul/consul.cfg file:
    1. Replace the old IP Address in the consul.bind_addr= variable with the new IP Address.
    2. If the consul.primary_consul_server variable is set with IP Address, ensure it reflects the new IP Address.
  3. In the /etc/DA.cfg file if the da.proxy.host variable is set with IP Address, ensure it reflects the new IP Address.
  4. In the /opt/IMDataAggregator/consul/conf/config.json file the client_addr normally points to placeholder
    • It may be set with real IP of the Consul Proxy Host Server.
    • If set with the real IP Address ensure it is updated with the new IP Address of the Consul Proxy Host Server.

Locations To Change the IP Address: Consul Proxy Host Server

  1. Edit the consul.service file. Replace the old IP Address in the -bind= value with the new IP Address.
    • For RH 7.x the file is /etc/systemd/system/consul.service
    • For RH 6.x the file is /etc/init.d/consul
  2. In the /opt/CA/daproxy/consul/consul.cfg file:
    1. Unlike the DA, the consul.primary_consul_server variable should be empty/blank on the Proxy Host itself.
    2. If not empty/blank, change it so that it is empty/blank.
  3. In the /opt/CA/daproxy/conf/daproxy.cfg file:
    1. Check the following values:
      • [backends.da.servers.server1]
      • [backends.da.servers.server2]
    2. They are normally set with the hostname. If they are set with IP Address update them with the new IP Addresses for both Fault-Tolerant Data Aggregator hosts.
  4. In the /opt/CA/daproxy/conf/config.json file the client_addr normally points to placeholder
    • It may be set with real IP.
    • If set with the real IP Address ensure it is updated with the new IP Address.
  5. Update the Performance Management Data Aggregator Data Source.
    1. This is expected to point to the Fault Tolerant Proxy Host when using a Fault-Tolerant Data Aggregator configuration.
    2. If it is configured to use the IP Address instead of Host Name for the Proxy Host edit the Data Aggregator Data Source in the Performance Management Web UI.
      1. Go to Administration->Data Sources->Data Sources
      2. Select the Data Aggregator Data Source entry
      3. Select the Edit button
      4. Set the new IP Address where the old one is set.
      5. Test the connection to validate successful communication.
      6. Save the changes.

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