How to reload the SpectroSERVER Database (SSdb) in NetOps Spectrum?
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How to reload the SpectroSERVER Database (SSdb) in NetOps Spectrum?


Article ID: 191684


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


When there is a Spectrum crash or when the database needs to be reloaded, how is it done?


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There are two ways to do this,  The first is via the GUI (Spectrum Control Panel - SCP) and the second is through the command line interface (CLI).

Reload via CLI

  1. Go to the command line on the SpectroSERVER (bash -login in Windows)

  2. Go to the $SPECROOT/SS-DB-Backup/ directory.
    $ cd $SPECROOT/SS-DB-Backup

  3. Extract the SSdb backup file.
    $ gunzip db_yyyymmdd_hhmm.SSdb.gz

  4. Go to the $SPECROOT/SS/ directory.
      $ SPECROOT/SS/

  5. Delete the .VNMDB.LOCK file:

    rm -f .VNMDB.LOCK

    This file is created when the SpectroSERVER is started and removed when shutdown. However, if the SpectroSERVER crashes,
       then the file will be left behind and this prevents access to the SSdb (from SSdbload, SpectroSERVER, mte.exe ...etc) and must
       be removed before the SSdb can be reloaded.

  6. Load the legacy SSdb:

    ../SS-Tools/SSdbload -il legacy.SSdb

    This will reload the legacy database 
  7. Load the good known SSdb from the backup:

    ../SS-Tools/SSdbload -il ../SS-DB-Backup/<DB_BACKUP_FILENAME.SSdb>

    This will reload the database and the server can then be started back up.

    * IMPORTANT: the SSdbload must be run from the SS folder otherwise the database will not load properly
    the SSdbload must be run as the Spectrum user and not as the root

Reload by SCP

  1. In the Spectrum Control Panel, click on the Restore Database button.

  2. Click on Yes to initialize the SpectroSERVER database.

  3. Choose the most recent backup file and click on the Open button to start the restore.

  4. If the .VNMDB.LOCK exists, you have to click on Yes to remove it.

  5. After the SSdb database is successfully restored, you can start the SpectroSERVER application in Spectrum Control Panel.