How to remove or clear an interface speed override in Performance Management
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How to remove or clear an interface speed override in Performance Management


Article ID: 191667


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


An interface Speed Override was set via REST. It now needs to be removed. How can it be removed?

Error is seen trying to reset or blank out an interface Speed Override via REST.

Running a PUT against the following in a REST API client.

URL: http://DAHOST:8581/rest/ports/PORTID 
Header: Content-Type: application/xml 
<Port version="1.0.0">

That returns a 400 Bad Request error to the client. The error details state:

The web service request failed because the XML provided in the request’s body did not conform to the defined schema (see the documentation at ‘ports/documentation’ for access to the schema definitions).The specific error was: "Error on line 2: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '' is not a valid value for 'double'.".


All supported Performance Management releases


Updating with blank values isn't permitted.


To reset or clear an interface to a state where it has no Speed Override values set complete the following against the ID for the target port via a REST client.

Method: PUT
URL: http://daHostname:8581/rest/ports/portID
Body content type: application/xml
<Port version="1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="">
  <SpeedInOverride xsi:nil="true"></SpeedInOverride>
  <SpeedOutOverride xsi:nil="true"></SpeedOutOverride>

Once removed or cleared out, the interface will revert to using it's discovered speed values.

This process is not available via the Web UI. To achieve the same net result via the web UI set the Speed Override values to match the discovered value.

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