How to fully disable and reenable the VNA Integration in Spectrum
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How to fully disable and reenable the VNA Integration in Spectrum


Article ID: 190460


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to fully disable and reenable the VNA Integration in Spectrum.  Delete all SDWAN VNA models.


Release : 23.3.x

Component : Spectrum Integrations



  • When the VNA integration in Spectrum is disabled all of the VNA-related models will be deleted from the database.    
  • Depending on how many models were discovered this can take some time, maybe several hours to complete.
  • Re-Enabling the VNA integration before the cleanup process is fully completed can lead to unpredictable results.


1. Disable the VNA-OneClick integration from the Spectrum WEB GUI -> Administration -> VNA Configuration 


2. As soon as the integration is disabled all the SDN models will start to be deleted. This can take a couple of hours depending on the number of models. 

    On the OneClick Server monitor the OneClick log file:  $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs  stdout.log\catalina.out for:

Mar 23, 2022 15:35:25.506 (pool-19-thread-2) (SDNIntegrationServlet) - SDN Integration Manager clean-up started.

3. Ensure all models are deleted before proceeding.  When the cleanup is finished, the following message is generated:

    $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs   stdout.log\catalina.out for:

Mar 23, 2022 15:35:25.506 (pool-19-thread-2) (SDNIntegrationServlet) - SDN Integration Manager clean-up done.

4. Then verify that all VNA models have been deleted in the OneClick console:

Locator Search -> SDN Manager -> All VNA models


5.  If any models are returned sort them by model type and ONLY delete models that contain SDN_  (Any SNMP Derived model data that is returned should NOT be deleted).

6.  You can verify in the database they are deleted as well. Log onto the SpectroSERVER that was home to the VNA models.  As the spectrum install owner, navigate to $SPECOOT/vnmsh and type:


./show models | grep SDN_

If there are models that are returned, delete them:

./destroy model mh=<model_handle from the show models command>

You will have to delete them one at a time.


7.  Once, complete enable the integration.  To do this, navigate back to the OneClick Administration - VNA Integration page.

8.  Enter in the correct VNA hostname, admin username and password and click Save.

8.  Select the SpectroSERVER you want to enable the integration on and then click the Discover button.

Additional Information

What would be the best way to verify that the SDN Manager has been erased fully?

The SDN Manager will look like that in an image below: