TDM Portal: What steps are needed to import a Third Party Certificate for Portal
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TDM Portal: What steps are needed to import a Third Party Certificate for Portal


Article ID: 189744


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Would like to know the steps needed to import our own signed certificate into the TDM Portal's keystore.


All supported TDM releases.

Component : CA Test Data Manager Portal


Here are the steps to import certificates and create a new keystore file to be used by TDM.   

1. Your security team should provide a PKCS #12 file (in this example, the file name is my.p12 or my.pfx) which contains the private key and related certificates.

2. This keytool command will import the certificates and private key into the new keystore that you designate in one single step.

keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass <keystore_password> -destkeystore  <path_and_file_specification_for_keystore> -srckeystore  <my.p12 or my.pfx file> -srcstoretype PKCS12 


    • -importkeystore = Imports one or all entries from another keystore. 
    • -deststorepass = Destination keystore password. This will be the password you have set for the new keystore file. Please make a note of the keystore password for future reference.
    • -destkeystore = Destination keystore path and name. This is the name of the new keystore file to be used by TDM.
    • -srckeystore = Source keystore name. In this example, the source is the my.p12 file or the my.pfx file that was provided by the Certificate Authority, or your Security Team.
    • -srcstoretype = Source keystore type. The source type should be PKCS12 if you have been provided a P12 or PFX file.

For Example: keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass myS3cr3tpasswrd -destkeystore  "C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\conf\.myNewKeystore" -srckeystore my.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12

Now, your keystore file contains your server certificate and its private key. You may be asked to enter the password to the p12/pfx file, so you will want that information handy.

         3. If you receive a warning that the JKS keystore use a proprietary format, run the provided command to convert the keystore to the PKCS12 format:
                 keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <path_to_the _keystore_file> -destkeystore <path_to_the converted_keystore_file> -deststoretype PKCS12

                NOTE: if the source and destination keystores are the same, the keytool utility will back up of the source keystore, before overwriting it with the converted keystore file.

         4. If your signed certificate contains a password that is different than that of your keystore file, you'll want to change the certificate password to match that of the keystore:

               keytool -keypasswd -alias <your alias> -keystore <path/file_specification_for_keystore>

              You'll be prompted to enter the passwords to get access to the keystore and certificate (key), and then prompted to enter your new certificate (key) password.

          5. The portal needs to access the keystore <path_and_file_specification_for_keystore> you should therefore update 



6. The portal needs to use the <keystore_password> to access stored certificate and private key. You should therefore follow the steps in techdocs below, to create the encrypted version  

6a. To obtain an encrypted version of the keystore password.

6a-1. Navigate to install_dir\service\bin. 
6a-2. Run the encryption utility and supply the password to encrypt as argument. 
            EncryptionUtil.bat -p  <accesspassword> 
6a-3. Save the encrypted value returned for entry in the properties file. 

6b. Update the file with the encrypted password



7. Verify the trusted certificate and private key have been imported properly, and also verify the current Alias name.
Note, you may also want to change the Alias name to for example Test Data Manager , run

7a. To view the contents of the keystore, run:

keytool -list -v -keystore <path_and_file_specification_for_keystore>

You will see something similar to ... 

Keystore type: JKS 
Keystore provider: SUN 
Your keystore contains 1 entry 
Alias name: 1 
Creation date: Jun 21, 2019
In this example, the alias name is 1.

7b. To change the alias name from 1 to Test Data Manager 

keytool -changealias -keystore <path_and_file_specification_for_keystore>   -storepass  <accesspassword>  -alias 1 -destalias "Test Data Manager" 

7c. Update with the new alias

tdmweb.keyAlias="Test Data Manager" 

NOTE: it is also important to verify the Server's domain name matches the CN of the certificate. If they are different, then the domain name needs to be included as an alternate in the SAN.


8. Restart the CA Test Data Manager Portal service and verify the Portal is running on your new certificate.

Additional Information

For more information see "Managing Certificates" in the documentation of the TDM version you are running.

Also see Knowledge Base Article: TDM Portal: After replacing our expired SSL Certificates, No one is able to access Portal.

TDM Portal: After replacing our expired SSL Certificates, No one is able to access Portal.