CMN-0007: Attribute 'field_abc' is required: Modern UX Status Report
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CMN-0007: Attribute 'field_abc' is required: Modern UX Status Report


Article ID: 189362


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We are receiving an error in the Modern UX when attempting to access the current status report. The error provided states "Could not update project status report".

If you review the application logs you may see an error like:

 ExceptionInfo ::  Could not create resource. Resource name: projectStatusReports. Error code: validation.requiredFieldMissing Error message: CMN-0007: Attribute 'field_abc' is required.


1. Log into the Classic Clarity Interface. Go to The Administration Tab, then "Studio" then "Objects".
2. Open the "Status Report" object, and go to the attributes tab.
3. Find the attribute that has a matching "Database Column" to the name from the error message, in our example "field_abc"
4. Open the associated attribute and uncheck the "Value Required" checkbox, and Save.
5. Log into the New UX and test again