Using the SYSOUT Multi-User Facility Startup Option
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Using the SYSOUT Multi-User Facility Startup Option


Article ID: 18269


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


There is a Multi-User Facility (called MUF) Startup Option called SYSOUT that looks like it stops the CA Datacom MUF from writing to the PXX. How do I use this option?


Release : 15.0

Release : 15.1

Component : CA Datacom/AD

Component : CA Datacom/DB


SYSOUT is for use in z/OS environments only. This Multi-User Facility (MUF) startup option allows you to specify new output processing for diagnostic and tracing information that would otherwise be routed to the Statistics and Diagnostics Area (PXX).

This option has the following syntax:

SYSOUT class,mlparm,cbsparm,sqlparm,ddparm,dstparm


class is the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) class to which a dynamically allocated SYSOUT data set is assigned when closed/deallocated. This can be a throwaway class, or one that is routed to CA Spool or some other output management facility.

mlparm,cbsparm,sqlparm,ddparm,dstparm are the different types of output that can be managed in this MUF. For each of these subparameters, there are multiple choices that can be used to limit the size of a particular output file or to redirect the output of one area to another file. For example, specifying ML for the cbsparm entry will redirect any CBS output to the same Spool file that the Master List output (ML) uses. There are some restrictions to setting these values:

  • A SYSOUT cannot be redirected to another SYSOUT that is itself redirected.
  • A SYSOUT can be redirected to a SYSOUT parameter for which zero has been specified. In this case, both are written to the PXX.
  • A SYSOUT parameter cannot specify itself as a redirection. For example, ML is not valid as a value for mlparm.
  • The first SYSOUT parameter, used for Master List snaps, cannot be redirected.

Here is an example.

SYSOUT X,2M,100K,1M,ML,100K

In the example, note that:

X In the class position, represents the JES Sysout class X.
2M In the mlparm position, means that Master List snap output is to be directed to the PXXML## DD statement to a maximum output limit (outlim) of 2M lines.
100K In the cbsparm position, means that CBS traces are to be directed to PXXCBS## to a maximum output limit (outlim) of 100K lines.
1M In the sqlparm position, means that SQL traces are to be directed to PXXSQL## to a maximum output limit (outlim) of 1M lines.
ML In the ddparm position, means that CA Datacom/DB Datadictionary traces are to be redirected to the PXXML## file with a combined maximum output limit (outlim) of 2M lines. If a reset command results in redirection, the following message is issued: DB02403I-PXXaaa REDIRECTED TO PXXbbb
100K In the dstparm position, means that DST traces are to be directed to PXXDST## to a maximum output limit (outlim) of 100K lines.


Additional Information

For more details, please see the documentation for the SYSOUT MUF Startup Option.

As always, please contact Broadcom support for CA Datacom if you have further questions.