Can Gen .NET/C# server be built to run as a 64-bit COM+ application
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Can Gen .NET/C# server be built to run as a 64-bit COM+ application


Article ID: 18178


Updated On: 07-19-2023


Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


Can a Gen 8.6 .NET/C# server be built to run as a 64-bit COM+ application under 64-bit Component Services rather than 32-bit?


  • For all Gen C# applications (clients and servers) the generated code is compiled with the AnyCPU option so it can execute under a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) environment and the same applies to the Gen .NET runtime assemblies (%Gen86%\Gen\.net\bin)

  • Since Gen 8.5 and 8.0 Interim Enhancement #2, Gen .NET servers and clients can be assembled to run as a 64-bit COM+ application under 64-bit Component Services by using the Build Tool Profile OPTIONS token OPT.BITS set to the value of 64. The Build Tool Profile OPTIONS token OPT.BITS token needs to be set to 64 to force the Assemble step (%Gen86%\Gen\bt\scripts\deploy_msi_net.scr) to use the correct value for deployment to 64-bit Component Services.


    • 64-bit COM+ Applications will of course only run under a 64-bit Operating System.

    • If an ASP.NET Client is assembled with the same OPT.BITS=64 value then the IIS Application Pool that it is deployed to should also have the appropriate 64-bit setting enabled.